
Server -> Client responses sent by server as replies to requests.

class diplomacy.communication.responses.Error(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: diplomacy.communication.responses._AbstractResponse

Error response sent when an error occurred on server-side while handling a request.


  • error_type: str - error type, containing the exception class name.
  • message: str - error message

Convert this error to an instance of a Diplomacy ResponseException class and raises it.

class diplomacy.communication.responses.Ok(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: diplomacy.communication.responses._AbstractResponse

Ok response sent by default after handling a request. Contains nothing.

class diplomacy.communication.responses.NoResponse(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: diplomacy.communication.responses._AbstractResponse

Placeholder response to indicate that no responses are required

class diplomacy.communication.responses.DataGameSchedule(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: diplomacy.communication.responses._AbstractResponse

Response with info about current scheduling for a game.


  • game_id: str - game ID
  • phase: str - game phase
  • schedule: SchedulerEvent - scheduling information about the game
class diplomacy.communication.responses.DataGameInfo(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: diplomacy.communication.responses._AbstractResponse

Response containing information about a game, to be used when no entire game object is required.


  • game_id: game ID
  • phase: game phase
  • timestamp: latest timestamp when data was saved into game on server (ie. game state or message)
  • timestamp_created: timestamp when game was created on server
  • map_name: (optional) game map name
  • observer_level: (optional) highest observer level allowed for the user who sends the request. Either 'observer_type', 'omniscient_type' or 'master_type'.
  • controlled_powers: (optional) list of power names controlled by the user who sends the request.
  • rules: (optional) game rules
  • status: (optional) game status
  • n_players: (optional) number of powers currently controlled in the game
  • n_controls: (optional) number of controlled powers required by the game to be active
  • deadline: (optional) game deadline - time to wait before processing a game phase
  • registration_password: (optional) boolean - if True, a password is required to join the game
class diplomacy.communication.responses.DataPossibleOrders(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: diplomacy.communication.responses._AbstractResponse

Response containing information about possible orders for a game at its current phase.


  • possible_orders: dictionary mapping a location short name to all possible orders here
  • orderable_locations: dictionary mapping a power name to its orderable locations
class diplomacy.communication.responses.UniqueData(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: diplomacy.communication.responses._AbstractResponse

Response containing only 1 field named data. A derived class will contain a specific typed value in this field.

classmethod validate_params()[source]

Called when getting model to validate parameters. Called once per class.

class diplomacy.communication.responses.DataToken(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: diplomacy.communication.responses.UniqueData

Unique data containing a token.

class diplomacy.communication.responses.DataMaps(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: diplomacy.communication.responses.UniqueData

Unique data containing maps info (dictionary mapping a map name to a dictionary with map information).

class diplomacy.communication.responses.DataPowerNames(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: diplomacy.communication.responses.UniqueData

Unique data containing a list of power names.

class diplomacy.communication.responses.DataGames(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: diplomacy.communication.responses.UniqueData

Unique data containing a list of DataGameInfo objects.

class diplomacy.communication.responses.DataPort(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: diplomacy.communication.responses.UniqueData

Unique data containing a DAIDE port (integer).

class diplomacy.communication.responses.DataTimeStamp(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: diplomacy.communication.responses.UniqueData

Unique data containing a timestamp (integer).

class diplomacy.communication.responses.DataGamePhases(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: diplomacy.communication.responses.UniqueData

Unique data containing a list of GamePhaseData objects.

class diplomacy.communication.responses.DataGame(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: diplomacy.communication.responses.UniqueData

Unique data containing a Game object.

class diplomacy.communication.responses.DataSavedGame(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: diplomacy.communication.responses.UniqueData

Unique data containing a game saved in JSON dictionary.

class diplomacy.communication.responses.DataGamesToPowerNames(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: diplomacy.communication.responses.UniqueData

Unique data containing a dictionary mapping a game ID to a list of power names.


Parse a JSON dictionary expected to represent a response. Raise an exception if either:

  • parsing failed
  • response received is an Error response. In such case, a ResponseException is raised with the error message.
Parameters:json_response – a JSON dict.
Returns:a Response class instance.