Source code for diplomacy.communication.responses

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# Copyright (C) 2019 - Philip Paquette, Steven Bocco
#  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
#  the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
#  Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
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""" Server -> Client responses sent by server as replies to requests. """
import inspect

from import Game
from diplomacy.utils import common, parsing, strings
from diplomacy.utils import exceptions
from diplomacy.utils.game_phase_data import GamePhaseData
from diplomacy.utils.network_data import NetworkData
from diplomacy.utils.scheduler_event import SchedulerEvent

class _AbstractResponse(NetworkData):
    """ Base response object """
    __slots__ = ['request_id']
    header = {
        strings.REQUEST_ID: str,
        strings.NAME: str,
    id_field = strings.REQUEST_ID

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.request_id = None
        super(_AbstractResponse, self).__init__(**kwargs)

[docs]class Error(_AbstractResponse): """ Error response sent when an error occurred on server-side while handling a request. Properties: - **error_type**: str - error type, containing the exception class name. - **message**: str - error message """ __slots__ = ['message', 'error_type'] params = { strings.MESSAGE: str, strings.ERROR_TYPE: str } def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.message = None self.error_type = None super(Error, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def throw(self): """ Convert this error to an instance of a Diplomacy ResponseException class and raises it. """ # If error type is the name of a ResponseException class, # convert it to related class and raise it. if hasattr(exceptions, self.error_type): symbol = getattr(exceptions, self.error_type) if inspect.isclass(symbol) and issubclass(symbol, exceptions.ResponseException): raise symbol(self.message) # Otherwise, raise a generic ResponseException object. raise exceptions.ResponseException('%s/%s' % (self.error_type, self.message))
[docs]class Ok(_AbstractResponse): """ Ok response sent by default after handling a request. Contains nothing. """ __slots__ = []
[docs]class NoResponse(_AbstractResponse): """ Placeholder response to indicate that no responses are required """ __slots__ = [] def __bool__(self): """ This response always evaluate to false """ return False
[docs]class DataGameSchedule(_AbstractResponse): """ Response with info about current scheduling for a game. Properties: - **game_id**: str - game ID - **phase**: str - game phase - **schedule**: :class:`.SchedulerEvent` - scheduling information about the game """ __slots__ = ['game_id', 'phase', 'schedule'] params = { 'game_id': str, 'phase': str, 'schedule': parsing.JsonableClassType(SchedulerEvent) } def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.game_id = '' self.phase = '' self.schedule = None # type: SchedulerEvent super(DataGameSchedule, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs]class DataGameInfo(_AbstractResponse): """ Response containing information about a game, to be used when no entire game object is required. Properties: - **game_id**: game ID - **phase**: game phase - **timestamp**: latest timestamp when data was saved into game on server (ie. game state or message) - **timestamp_created**: timestamp when game was created on server - **map_name**: (optional) game map name - **observer_level**: (optional) highest observer level allowed for the user who sends the request. Either ``'observer_type'``, ``'omniscient_type'`` or ``'master_type'``. - **controlled_powers**: (optional) list of power names controlled by the user who sends the request. - **rules**: (optional) game rules - **status**: (optional) game status - **n_players**: (optional) number of powers currently controlled in the game - **n_controls**: (optional) number of controlled powers required by the game to be active - **deadline**: (optional) game deadline - time to wait before processing a game phase - **registration_password**: (optional) boolean - if True, a password is required to join the game """ __slots__ = ['game_id', 'phase', 'timestamp', 'map_name', 'rules', 'status', 'n_players', 'n_controls', 'deadline', 'registration_password', 'observer_level', 'controlled_powers', 'timestamp_created'] params = { strings.GAME_ID: str, strings.PHASE: str, strings.TIMESTAMP: int, strings.TIMESTAMP_CREATED: int, strings.MAP_NAME: parsing.OptionalValueType(str), strings.OBSERVER_LEVEL: parsing.OptionalValueType(parsing.EnumerationType( (strings.MASTER_TYPE, strings.OMNISCIENT_TYPE, strings.OBSERVER_TYPE))), strings.CONTROLLED_POWERS: parsing.OptionalValueType(parsing.SequenceType(str)), strings.RULES: parsing.OptionalValueType(parsing.SequenceType(str)), strings.STATUS: parsing.OptionalValueType(parsing.EnumerationType(strings.ALL_GAME_STATUSES)), strings.N_PLAYERS: parsing.OptionalValueType(int), strings.N_CONTROLS: parsing.OptionalValueType(int), strings.DEADLINE: parsing.OptionalValueType(int), strings.REGISTRATION_PASSWORD: parsing.OptionalValueType(bool) } def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.game_id = None # type: str self.phase = None # type: str self.timestamp = None # type: int self.timestamp_created = None # type: int self.map_name = None # type: str self.observer_level = None # type: str self.controlled_powers = None # type: list self.rules = None # type: list self.status = None # type: str self.n_players = None # type: int self.n_controls = None # type: int self.deadline = None # type: int self.registration_password = None # type: bool super(DataGameInfo, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs]class DataPossibleOrders(_AbstractResponse): """ Response containing information about possible orders for a game at its current phase. Properties: - **possible_orders**: dictionary mapping a location short name to all possible orders here - **orderable_locations**: dictionary mapping a power name to its orderable locations """ __slots__ = ['possible_orders', 'orderable_locations'] params = { # {location => [orders]} strings.POSSIBLE_ORDERS: parsing.DictType(str, parsing.SequenceType(str)), # {power name => [locations]} strings.ORDERABLE_LOCATIONS: parsing.DictType(str, parsing.SequenceType(str)), } def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.possible_orders = {} self.orderable_locations = {} super(DataPossibleOrders, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs]class UniqueData(_AbstractResponse): """ Response containing only 1 field named ``data``. A derived class will contain a specific typed value in this field. """ # `params` must have exactly one field named DATA. __slots__ = ['data']
[docs] @classmethod def validate_params(cls): assert len(cls.params) == 1 and strings.DATA in cls.params
def __init__(self, **kwargs): = None super(UniqueData, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs]class DataToken(UniqueData): """ Unique data containing a token. """ __slots__ = [] params = { strings.DATA: str }
[docs]class DataMaps(UniqueData): """ Unique data containing maps info (dictionary mapping a map name to a dictionary with map information). """ __slots__ = [] params = { # {map_id => {'powers': [power names], 'supply centers' => [supply centers], 'loc_type' => {loc => type}}} strings.DATA: dict }
[docs]class DataPowerNames(UniqueData): """ Unique data containing a list of power names. """ __slots__ = [] params = { strings.DATA: parsing.SequenceType(str) }
[docs]class DataGames(UniqueData): """ Unique data containing a list of :class:`.DataGameInfo` objects. """ __slots__ = [] params = { # list of game info. strings.DATA: parsing.SequenceType(parsing.JsonableClassType(DataGameInfo)) }
[docs]class DataPort(UniqueData): """ Unique data containing a DAIDE port (integer). """ __slots__ = [] params = { strings.DATA: int # DAIDE port }
[docs]class DataTimeStamp(UniqueData): """ Unique data containing a timestamp (integer). """ __slots__ = [] params = { strings.DATA: int # microseconds }
[docs]class DataGamePhases(UniqueData): """ Unique data containing a list of :class:`.GamePhaseData` objects. """ __slots__ = [] params = { strings.DATA: parsing.SequenceType(parsing.JsonableClassType(GamePhaseData)) }
[docs]class DataGame(UniqueData): """ Unique data containing a :class:`.Game` object. """ __slots__ = [] params = { strings.DATA: parsing.JsonableClassType(Game) }
[docs]class DataSavedGame(UniqueData): """ Unique data containing a game saved in JSON dictionary. """ __slots__ = [] params = { strings.DATA: dict }
[docs]class DataGamesToPowerNames(UniqueData): """ Unique data containing a dictionary mapping a game ID to a list of power names. """ __slots__ = [] params = { strings.DATA: parsing.DictType(str, parsing.SequenceType(str)) }
[docs]def parse_dict(json_response): """ Parse a JSON dictionary expected to represent a response. Raise an exception if either: - parsing failed - response received is an Error response. In such case, a ResponseException is raised with the error message. :param json_response: a JSON dict. :return: a Response class instance. """ assert isinstance(json_response, dict), 'Response parser expects a dict.' name = json_response.get(strings.NAME, None) if name is None: raise exceptions.ResponseException() expected_class_name = common.snake_case_to_upper_camel_case(name) response_class = globals()[expected_class_name] assert inspect.isclass(response_class) and issubclass(response_class, _AbstractResponse) response_object = response_class.from_dict(json_response) if isinstance(response_object, Error): response_object.throw() return response_object