Source code for diplomacy.utils.export

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# Copyright (C) 2019 - Philip Paquette, Steven Bocco
#  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
#  the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
#  Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
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""" Exporter
    - Responsible for exporting games in a standardized format to disk
import logging
import os
import ujson as json
from import Game
from import Map
from diplomacy.utils import strings
from diplomacy.utils.game_phase_data import GamePhaseData

# Constants
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def to_saved_game_format(game, output_path=None, output_mode='a'): """ Converts a game to a standardized JSON format :param game: game to convert. :param output_path: Optional path to file. If set, the json.dumps() of the saved_game is written to that file. :param output_mode: Optional. The mode to use to write to the output_path (if provided). Defaults to 'a' :return: A game in the standard format used to saved game, that can be converted to JSON for serialization :type game: :type output_path: str | None, optional :type output_mode: str, optional :rtype: Dict """ phases = Game.get_phase_history(game) # Get phase history. phases.append(Game.get_phase_data(game)) # Add current game phase. rules = [rule for rule in game.rules if rule not in RULES_TO_SKIP] # Filter rules. # Extend states fields. phases_to_dict = [phase.to_dict() for phase in phases] for phase_dct in phases_to_dict: phase_dct['state']['game_id'] = game.game_id phase_dct['state']['map'] = game.map_name phase_dct['state']['rules'] = rules # Building saved game saved_game = {'id': game.game_id, 'map': game.map_name, 'rules': rules, 'phases': phases_to_dict} # Writing to disk if output_path: with open(output_path, output_mode) as output_file: output_file.write(json.dumps(saved_game) + '\n') # Returning return saved_game
[docs]def from_saved_game_format(saved_game): """ Rebuilds a :class:`` object from the saved game (python :class:`Dict`) saved_game is the dictionary. It can be built by calling json.loads(json_line). :param saved_game: The saved game exported from :meth:`to_saved_game_format` :type saved_game: Dict :rtype: :return: The game object restored from the saved game """ game_id = saved_game.get('id', None) kwargs = {strings.MAP_NAME: saved_game.get('map', 'standard'), strings.RULES: saved_game.get('rules', [])} # Building game game = Game(game_id=game_id, **kwargs) phase_history = [] # Restoring every phase for phase_dct in saved_game.get('phases', []): phase_history.append(GamePhaseData.from_dict(phase_dct)) game.set_phase_data(phase_history, clear_history=True) # Returning game return game
[docs]def load_saved_games_from_disk(input_path, on_error='raise'): """ Rebuids multiple :class:`` from each line in a .jsonl file :param input_path: The path to the input file. Expected content is one saved_game json per line. :param on_error: Optional. What to do if a game conversion fails. Either 'raise', 'warn', 'ignore' :type input_path: str :rtype: List[diplomacy.Game] :return: A list of :class:`` objects. """ loaded_games = [] assert on_error in ('raise', 'warn', 'ignore'), 'Expected values for on_error are "raise", "warn", "ignore".' # File does not exist if not os.path.exists(input_path): LOGGER.warning('File %s does not exist. Aborting.', input_path) return loaded_games # Importing each game with open(input_path, 'r') as file: for line in file: try: saved_game = json.loads(line.rstrip('\n')) game = from_saved_game_format(saved_game) loaded_games.append(game) except Exception as exc: # pylint: disable=broad-except if on_error == 'raise': raise exc if on_error == 'warn': LOGGER.warning(exc) # Returning return loaded_games
[docs]def is_valid_saved_game(saved_game): """ Checks if the saved game is valid. This is an expensive operation because it replays the game. :param saved_game: The saved game (from to_saved_game_format) :return: A boolean that indicates if the game is valid """ # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements, too-many-nested-blocks, too-many-branches nb_forced_phases = 0 max_nb_forced_phases = 1 if 'DIFFERENT_ADJUDICATION' in saved_game.get('rules', []) else 0 # Validating default fields if 'id' not in saved_game or not saved_game['id']: return False if 'map' not in saved_game: return False map_object = Map(saved_game['map']) if != saved_game['map']: return False if 'rules' not in saved_game: return False if 'phases' not in saved_game: return False # Validating each phase nb_messages = 0 nb_phases = len(saved_game['phases']) last_time_sent = -1 for phase_ix in range(nb_phases): current_phase = saved_game['phases'][phase_ix] state = current_phase['state'] phase_orders = current_phase['orders'] previous_phase_name = 'FORMING' if phase_ix == 0 else saved_game['phases'][phase_ix - 1]['name'] next_phase_name = 'COMPLETED' if phase_ix == nb_phases - 1 else saved_game['phases'][phase_ix + 1]['name'] power_names = list(state['units'].keys()) # Validating messages for message in saved_game['phases'][phase_ix]['messages']: nb_messages += 1 if map_object.compare_phases(previous_phase_name, message['phase']) >= 0: return False if map_object.compare_phases(message['phase'], next_phase_name) > 0: return False if message['sender'] not in power_names + ['SYSTEM']: return False if message['recipient'] not in power_names + ['GLOBAL']: return False if message['time_sent'] < last_time_sent: return False last_time_sent = message['time_sent'] # Validating phase if phase_ix < (nb_phases - 1): is_forced_phase = False # Setting game state game = Game(saved_game['id'], map_name=saved_game['map'], rules=['SOLITAIRE'] + saved_game['rules']) game.set_phase_data(GamePhaseData.from_dict(current_phase)) # Determining what phase we should expect from the dataset. next_state = saved_game['phases'][phase_ix + 1]['state'] # Setting orders game.clear_orders() for power_name in phase_orders: game.set_orders(power_name, phase_orders[power_name]) # Validating orders orders = game.get_orders() possible_orders = game.get_all_possible_orders() for power_name in orders: if sorted(orders[power_name]) != sorted(current_phase['orders'][power_name]): return False if 'NO_CHECK' not in game.rules: for order in orders[power_name]: loc = order.split()[1] if order not in possible_orders[loc]: return False # Validating resulting state game.process() # Checking phase name if game.get_current_phase() != next_state['name']: is_forced_phase = True # Checking zobrist hash if game.get_hash() != next_state['zobrist_hash']: is_forced_phase = True # Checking units units = game.get_units() for power_name in units: if sorted(units[power_name]) != sorted(next_state['units'][power_name]): is_forced_phase = True # Checking centers centers = game.get_centers() for power_name in centers: if sorted(centers[power_name]) != sorted(next_state['centers'][power_name]): is_forced_phase = True # Allowing 1 forced phase if DIFFERENT_ADJUDICATION is in rule if is_forced_phase: nb_forced_phases += 1 if nb_forced_phases > max_nb_forced_phases: return False # Making sure NO_PRESS is not set if 'NO_PRESS' in saved_game['rules'] and nb_messages > 0: return False # The data is valid return True