Source code for diplomacy.communication.notifications

# ==============================================================================
# Copyright (C) 2019 - Philip Paquette, Steven Bocco
#  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
#  the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
#  Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
#  later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
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# ==============================================================================
"""Server -> Client notifications."""
import inspect

from import Game
from diplomacy.engine.message import Message
from diplomacy.utils import common, exceptions, parsing, strings
from diplomacy.utils.network_data import NetworkData
from diplomacy.utils.constants import OrderSettings
from diplomacy.utils.game_phase_data import GamePhaseData

class _AbstractNotification(NetworkData):
    """ Base notification object """
    __slots__ = ['notification_id', 'token']
    header = {
        strings.NOTIFICATION_ID: str,
        strings.NAME: str,
        strings.TOKEN: str,
    params = {}
    id_field = strings.NOTIFICATION_ID
    level = None

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.notification_id = None  # type: str
        self.token = None  # type: str
        super(_AbstractNotification, self).__init__(**kwargs)

    def validate_params(cls):
        """ Hack: we just use it to validate level. """
        assert cls.level in strings.ALL_COMM_LEVELS

class _ChannelNotification(_AbstractNotification):
    """ Channel notification (intended to be sent to a channel). """
    __slots__ = []
    level = strings.CHANNEL

class _GameNotification(_AbstractNotification):
    """ Game notification (intended to be sent to a game). """
    __slots__ = ['game_id', 'game_role', 'power_name']
    header = parsing.update_model(_AbstractNotification.header, {
        strings.GAME_ID: str,
        strings.GAME_ROLE: str,
        strings.POWER_NAME: parsing.OptionalValueType(str),

    level = strings.GAME

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.game_id = None  # type: str
        self.game_role = None  # type: str
        self.power_name = None  # type: str
        super(_GameNotification, self).__init__(**kwargs)

[docs]class AccountDeleted(_ChannelNotification): """ Notification about an account deleted. """ __slots__ = []
[docs]class OmniscientUpdated(_GameNotification): """ Notification about a grade updated. Sent at channel level. Properties: - **grade_update**: :class:`str` One of 'promote' or 'demote'. - **game**: :class:`parsing.JsonableClassType(Game)` a :class:`` object. """ __slots__ = ['grade_update', 'game'] params = { strings.GRADE_UPDATE: parsing.EnumerationType(strings.ALL_GRADE_UPDATES), strings.GAME: parsing.JsonableClassType(Game) } def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.grade_update = '' = None # type: Game super(OmniscientUpdated, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs]class ClearedCenters(_GameNotification): """ Notification about centers cleared. """ __slots__ = []
[docs]class ClearedOrders(_GameNotification): """ Notification about orders cleared. """ __slots__ = []
[docs]class ClearedUnits(_GameNotification): """ Notification about units cleared. """ __slots__ = []
[docs]class VoteCountUpdated(_GameNotification): """ Notification about new count of draw votes for a game (for observers). Properties: - **count_voted**: :class:`int` number of powers that have voted. - **count_expected**: :class:`int` number of powers to be expected to vote. """ __slots__ = ['count_voted', 'count_expected'] params = { strings.COUNT_VOTED: int, strings.COUNT_EXPECTED: int, } def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.count_voted = None # type: int self.count_expected = None # type: int super(VoteCountUpdated, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs]class VoteUpdated(_GameNotification): """ Notification about votes updated for a game (for omniscient observers). Properties: - **vote**: :class:`Dict` mapping a power name to a Vote (:class:`str`) object representing power vote. Possible votes are: yes, no, neutral. """ __slots__ = ['vote'] params = { strings.VOTE: parsing.DictType(str, parsing.EnumerationType(strings.ALL_VOTE_DECISIONS)) } def __init__(self, **kwargs): = None # type: dict{str, str} super(VoteUpdated, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs]class PowerVoteUpdated(VoteCountUpdated): """ Notification about a new vote for a specific game power (for player games). Properties: - **vote**: :class:`str` vote object representing associated power vote. Can be yes, no, neutral. """ __slots__ = ['vote'] params = parsing.extend_model(VoteCountUpdated.params, { strings.VOTE: parsing.EnumerationType(strings.ALL_VOTE_DECISIONS) }) def __init__(self, **kwargs): = None # type: str super(PowerVoteUpdated, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs]class PowersControllers(_GameNotification): """ Notification about current controller for each power in a game. Properties: - **powers**: A :class:`Dict` that maps a power_name to a controller_name :class:`str`. - **timestamps**: A :class:`Dict` that maps a power_name to timestamp where the controller took over. """ __slots__ = ['powers', 'timestamps'] params = { # {power_name => controller_name} strings.POWERS: parsing.DictType(str, parsing.OptionalValueType(str)), # {power_name => controller timestamp} strings.TIMESTAMPS: parsing.DictType(str, int) } def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.powers = {} self.timestamps = {} super(PowersControllers, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs]class GameDeleted(_GameNotification): """ Notification about a game deleted. """ __slots__ = []
[docs]class GameProcessed(_GameNotification): """ Notification about a game phase update. Sent after game has processed a phase. Properties: - **previous_phase_data**: :class:`diplomacy.utils.game_phase_data.GamePhaseData` of the previous phase - **current_phase_data**: :class:`diplomacy.utils.game_phase_data.GamePhaseData` of the current phase """ __slots__ = ['previous_phase_data', 'current_phase_data'] params = { strings.PREVIOUS_PHASE_DATA: parsing.JsonableClassType(GamePhaseData), strings.CURRENT_PHASE_DATA: parsing.JsonableClassType(GamePhaseData), } def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.previous_phase_data = None # type: GamePhaseData self.current_phase_data = None # type: GamePhaseData super(GameProcessed, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs]class GamePhaseUpdate(_GameNotification): """ Notification about a game phase update. Properties: - **phase_data**: :class:`diplomacy.utils.game_phase_data.GamePhaseData` of the updated phase - **phase_data_type**: :class:`str`. One of 'state_history', 'state', 'phase' """ __slots__ = ['phase_data', 'phase_data_type'] params = { strings.PHASE_DATA: parsing.JsonableClassType(GamePhaseData), strings.PHASE_DATA_TYPE: strings.ALL_STATE_TYPES } def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.phase_data = None # type: GamePhaseData self.phase_data_type = None # type: str super(GamePhaseUpdate, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs]class GameStatusUpdate(_GameNotification): """ Notification about a game status update. Properties: -**status**: :class:`str`. One of 'forming', 'active', 'paused', 'completed', 'canceled' """ __slots__ = ['status'] params = { strings.STATUS: parsing.EnumerationType(strings.ALL_GAME_STATUSES), } def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.status = None super(GameStatusUpdate, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs]class GameMessageReceived(_GameNotification): """ Notification about a game message received. Properties: - **message**: :class:`diplomacy.engine.message.Message` received. """ __slots__ = ['message'] params = { strings.MESSAGE: parsing.JsonableClassType(Message), } def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.message = None # type: Message super(GameMessageReceived, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs]class PowerOrdersUpdate(_GameNotification): """ Notification about a power order update. Properties: - **orders**: List of updated orders (i.e. :class:`str`) """ __slots__ = ['orders'] params = { strings.ORDERS: parsing.OptionalValueType(parsing.SequenceType(str)), } def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.orders = None # type: set super(PowerOrdersUpdate, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs]class PowerOrdersFlag(_GameNotification): """ Notification about a power order flag update. Properties: - **order_is_set**: :class:`int`. O = ORDER_NOT_SET, 1 = ORDER_SET_EMPTY, 2 = ORDER_SET. """ __slots__ = ['order_is_set'] params = { strings.ORDER_IS_SET: parsing.EnumerationType(OrderSettings.ALL_SETTINGS), } def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.order_is_set = 0 super(PowerOrdersFlag, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs]class PowerWaitFlag(_GameNotification): """ Notification about a power wait flag update. Properties: - **wait**: :class:`bool` that indicates to wait until the deadline is reached before proceeding. Otherwise if all powers are not waiting, the game is processed as soon as all non-eliminated powers have submitted their orders. """ __slots__ = ['wait'] params = { strings.WAIT: bool, } def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.wait = None # type: bool super(PowerWaitFlag, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs]def parse_dict(json_notification): """ Parse a JSON expected to represent a notification. Raise an exception if parsing failed. :param json_notification: JSON dictionary. :return: a notification class instance. """ assert isinstance(json_notification, dict), 'Notification parser expects a dict.' name = json_notification.get(strings.NAME, None) if name is None: raise exceptions.NotificationException() expected_class_name = common.snake_case_to_upper_camel_case(name) notification_class = globals()[expected_class_name] assert inspect.isclass(notification_class) and issubclass(notification_class, _AbstractNotification) return notification_class.from_dict(json_notification)