

  • Contains the power object representing a power in the game
class diplomacy.engine.power.Power(game=None, name=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: diplomacy.utils.jsonable.Jsonable

Power Class


  • abbrev - Contains the abbrev of the power (i.e. the first letter of the power name) (e.g. ‘F’ for FRANCE)
  • adjust - List of pending adjustment orders (e.g. [‘A PAR B’, ‘A PAR R MAR’, ‘A MAR D’, ‘WAIVE’])
  • centers - Contains the list of supply centers currently controlled by the power [‘MOS’, ‘SEV’, ‘STP’]
  • civil_disorder - Bool flag to indicate that the power has been put in CIVIL_DISORDER (e.g. True or False)
  • controller - Sorted dictionary mapping timestamp to controller (either dummy or a user ID) who takes control of power at this timestamp.
  • game - Contains a reference to the game object
  • goner - Boolean to indicate that this power doesn’t control any SCs any more (e.g. True or False)
  • homes - Contains a list of homes supply centers (where you can build) e.g. [‘PAR’, ‘MAR’, … ] or None if empty
  • influence - Contains a list of locations influenced by this power Note: To influence a location, the power must have visited it last. e.g [‘PAR’, ‘MAR’, … ]
  • name - Contains the name of the power (e.g. ‘FRANCE’)
  • orders - Contains a dictionary of units and their orders. For NO_CHECK games, unit is ‘ORDER 1’, ‘ORDER 2’, …
    • e.g. {‘A PAR’: ‘- MAR’ } or {‘ORDER 1’: ‘A PAR - MAR’, ‘ORDER 2’: ‘…’, … }
    • Can also be {‘REORDER 1’: ‘A PAR - MAR’, ‘INVALID 1’: ‘A PAR - MAR’, … } after validation
  • retreats - Contains the list of units that need to retreat with their possible retreat locations (e.g. {‘A PAR’: [‘MAR’, ‘BER’]})
  • role - Power type (observer, omniscient, player or server power). Either the power name (for a player power) or a value in diplomacy.utils.strings.ALL_ROLE_TYPES
  • tokens - Only for server power: set of tokens of current power controlled (if not None).
  • units - Contains the list of units (e.g. [‘A PAR’, ‘A MAR’, …]
  • vote - Only for omniscient, player and server power: power vote (‘yes’, ‘no’ or ‘neutral’).
__init__(game=None, name=None, **kwargs)[source]



Performs a reinitialization of some of the parameters

Parameters:include_flags – Bit mask to indicate which params to reset (bit 1 = orders, 2 = persistent, 4 = transient)
static compare(power_1, power_2)[source]

Comparator object - Compares two Power objects

  • power_1 – The first Power object to compare
  • power_2 – The second Power object to compare

1 if self is greater, -1 if other is greater, 0 if they are equal


Initializes a game and resets home, centers and units

Parameters:game (diplomacy.Game) – The game to use for initialization

Transfer all units, centers, and homes of the other_power to this power

Parameters:other_power – The other power (will be empty after the merge)

Removes all units from the map


Removes ownership of all supply centers


Indicates if the power is a dummy

Returns:Boolean flag to indicate if the power is a dummy

Returns a flag to show if player is eliminated

Returns:If the current power is eliminated

Clears the power’s orders


Returns a boolean to indicate if moves has been submitted

Returns:1 if not in Movement phase, or orders submitted, or no more units lefts

(Network Method) Return True if this power is an observer power.


(Network Method) Return True if this power is an omniscient power.


(Network Method) Return True if this power is a player power.


(Network Method) Return True if this power is a server power.


(Network Method) Return True if this power is controlled.


(Network Method) Return True if this power does not wait (ie. if we could already process orders of this power).

update_controller(username, timestamp)[source]

(Network Method) Update controller with given username and timestamp.


(Network Method) Control power with given username. Username may be None (meaning no controller).


(Network Method) Return current power controller name (‘dummy’ if power is not controlled).


(Network Method) Return timestamp when current controller took control of this power.


(Network Method) Return True if this power is controlled by given username.


(Server Method) Return True if this power has given token.


(Server Method) Add given token to this power.


(Server Method) Remove sequence of tokens from this power.